Tuesday, November 21, 2017


[ETC] iPad(3rd Generation) 9.3.5 to 8.4.1 Jailbreak & Downgrade 성공기

 iPad(3rd Generation) 9.3.5 to 8.4.1 Jailbreak & Downgrade 성공기


우선 필자가 소유하고 있는 iPad는 3세대로, 레티나 LCD가 처음 장착된 New iPad로 불리는 모델이다. 이 모델은 iOS 9.3.5을 마지막으로 애플 업데이트를 더이상 받을 수 없는 상태이며, 버리기도 아깝고 안 사용하기도 아깝고 해서 금번에 탈옥한 사례를 공유하고자 한다. 왜냐하면... 정말 기존 탈옥과 달리 너무 시행착오가 많았기 때문이다. 
시행착오는 아래와 같다.
  1. iOS 9.3.5 탈옥툴인 'Phoenix' 시도 → Web상에서 ipa 다운로드 안됨
  2. iPad 에서 pandu9사이트를 통해 직접 Phoenix 툴을 다운로드 시도 → 설치 성공 but 재시작마다 탈옥해야하는 번거로움 발생
  3. iOS 9.3.5를 8.4.1 downgrade 시도 → 손쉽게 성공!
  4. iOS 8.4.1 탈옥툴인 'etason JB' 시도→ 비정상적으로 종료(시디아 미설치 및 'Done JB' 명시 후 변화 없음)
  5. iOS 8.4.1 탈옥툴인 'Home Depot ' 시도 → 성공!

이제 위의 시행착오를 겪지 말고 아래 단계에 따라 한번에 성공해보자.

1-1. iOS 9.3.5 탈옥 with Pheonix (PC를 통한 Jailbreak) 참고링크
  1. Download the IPA.
  2. Download Cydia Impactor.
  3. Connect your device to your computer.
  4. Start Cydia Impactor and drag the IPA onto the top field.
  5. Enter your Apple ID credentials.
  6. On your device, go to "Settings > General > Device Management" and trust the certificate.
  7. Run the app and tap on "Prepare For Jailbreak".
  8. Wait for it to respring, then launch Cydia from the Home Screen.
  9. Whenever you reboot, open the app again and tap on "Kickstart Jailbreak".
  10. Whenever the app expires, install it again with Cydia Impactor.
1-2. iOS 9.3.5 탈옥 with Pheonix (iPad에서 바로 Jailbreak) 참고링크

2. iOS 9.3.5를 iOS 8.4.1로 Downgrade 참고링크
  1. Step 1: First of all, you need to make sure that you indeed have a 32-bit device running iOS 9.3.5. This will only work under those conditions. You need to make sure that you are jailbroken on that firmware. For information on how to jailbreak your 32-bit device on iOS 9.3.5 using Phoenix, check out our guide here: Jailbreak iOS 9.3.5 32-Bit Devices With Phoenix IPA, Here’s How.
  2. Step 2: Once you are sitting in the jailbroken state, you will need to ensure that you have iFile installed from Cydia. This is generally a staple installation for most jailbreakers, but if it isn’t already on the device then make sure you grab it.
  3. Step 3: You will also need to make sure that you have uninstalled any apps or tweaks installed through Cydia, apart from the aforementioned iFile package.
  4. Step 4: Launch iFile and head to System > Library > CoreServices.
  5. Step 5: Look through that directory until you find the SystemVersion.plist file at the bottom of the list. Tap on it and open it with the Text Viewer option.
  6. Step 6: Locate the ProductVersion key and change its value to 6.0 if you want to downgrade to 8.4.1, or 5.0 if you want to downgrade to 6.1.3.
  7. Step 7: You are now going to need to find the corresponding build number for the firmware. For example, the build number for iOS 8.4.1 was 10A403. So if you are going to want to downgrade to 8.4.1, in the same location in iFile, look for the ProductBuildVersion key and change its value to this build number. The build number for iOS 6.1.3 is 10B329.
  8. Step 8: Now you need to reboot your device. The theory here is that we are actually tricking Apple’s Settings app into believing that it is running iOS 6.0 instead of iOS 9.3.5. It then will provide a legitimate OTA update to either iOS 8.4.1 or 6.1.3.
  9. Step 9: Launch Settings and navigate to General > Software Update. You will then notice that iOS 8.4.1 or 6.1.3 is now an available OTA download provided directly by Apple.
  10. Step 10: And that’s all she wrote. Go through the update installation as you normally would with any OTA update.
3-1. iOS 8.4.1 탈옥 with 'etason JB' 참고링크
필자는 'etason jb' 툴을 가이드대로 진행하였지만, Restring 되거나 cydia 앱이 설치되지 않은 상태에서 'Done JB'라는 문구만 보였다. 이유는 모르겠지만 일부 유사한 사례가 있는 것으로 보인다. 

3-2. iOS 8.4.1 탈옥 with 'Home Depot' (3-1이 안될 경우 시도) 참고링크1 참고링크2
참고링크1에 있는 경로의 ipa를 다운로드 받으면 안된다! 아래 링크에 있는 ipa를 받아야 한다.
  1. Download the Home Depot .ipa from the website (http://wall.supplies/OLD%20iPhone%20HACKED.html). Click on ‘8.4.1 Mixtape Player’, check the device compatibility to ensure that it will work, and click the download link.
  2. Download Cydia Impactor from cydiaimpactor.com.
  3. Plug in your iDevice, open up Cydia Impactor, and drag the Home Depot .ipa onto it. When prompted, type in your Apple ID email and password. Don’t worry, this is completely safe. Your details are used to create a signing certificate.
  4. Once the app is installed, open it up and click ‘Enable Jailbreak’. When prompted, hit ‘Use Provided Offsets’, or if you have your own, click the other button.
  5. Home Depot will install the jailbreak and Cydia and the iDevice will respiring.
  6. Your jailbroken! Now to add the untether.
  7. Open Cydia and add Tihmstar’s repo: http://repo.tihmstar.net.
  8. Wait for it to be added, then go in, go to All Packages, and scroll down until you find etason untether. If you see nothing, go back to the Sources screen and tap Refresh at the top.
  9. Install the package, and restart your device. Your jailbreak should still be intact and working!

4. 필수 소스 및 패키지 설치 참고링크
##etason untether 패키지 설치##
  • http://repo.tihmstar.net 를 소스 추가 및 refresh 후 패키지 설치
##iFile 등 필요한 패키지 설치##
  • BiteYourApple http://repo.biteyourapple.net/ 를 소스 추가 및 refresh 후 패키지 설치
##AppSync for iOS 6 설치##
  • http://cydia.myrepospace.com/bl00dra1n/ 를 소스 추가 및 refresh 후 패키지 설치
##App Cake 설치##
  • http://cydia.iphonecake.com/ 를 소스 추가 및 refresh 후 패키지 설치

댓글이나 의견은 언제든지 환영합니다.

Your Comments are Always Welcome!

1 comment:

  1. 다운그래이드후 앱스토어에서 유튜브같은 기본앱조차 설치가 안되는데 혹시 어플설치되시는게 있나요?
