Monday, October 16, 2017


[WSUS] WSUS 재구축 시 발생하는 오류 'SQL instance name does not already exist' & 'No such host is known'

WSUS 재구축 시 발생하는 오류 


WSUS 재구축 중에 아래와 같은 에러 메시지가 발생하는 현상이 발생하였다. 

Log file is located at C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpFB99.tmp
Post install is starting
Fatal Error: Since the SQL instance name does not already exist in the registry and the WID role service is not installed, the instance name must be specified on the command line.

2017-10-16 15:33:24  Postinstall started
2017-10-16 15:33:24  Detected role services: Api, Database, UI, Services
2017-10-16 15:33:24  Start: LoadSettingsFromParameters
2017-10-16 15:33:24  Content local is: True
2017-10-16 15:33:24  Content directory is: E:\WSUS\WsusContent
2017-10-16 15:33:24  SQL instname is:
2017-10-16 15:33:24  End: LoadSettingsFromParameters
2017-10-16 15:33:24  Start: Run
2017-10-16 15:33:24  Configuring content directory...
2017-10-16 15:33:24  Configuring groups...
2017-10-16 15:33:24  Starting group configuration for WSUS Administrators...
2017-10-16 15:33:24  Found group in regsitry, attempting to use it...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Writing group to registry...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Finished group creation
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Starting group configuration for WSUS Reporters...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Found group in regsitry, attempting to use it...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Writing group to registry...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Finished group creation
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Configuring permissions...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Fetching content directory...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Fetching ContentDir from registry store
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Value is E:\WSUS\WsusContent
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Fetching group SIDs...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Value is S-1-5-21-2451118407-1201454874-3243723495-1003
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Fetching WsusReportersSid from registry store
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Value is S-1-5-21-2451118407-1201454874-3243723495-1004
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Creating group principals...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Granting directory permissions...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Granting permissions on content directory...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Granting registry permissions...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Granting registry permissions...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Granting registry permissions...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Configuring shares...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Configuring network shares...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Fetching content directory...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Fetching ContentDir from registry store
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Value is E:\WSUS\WsusContent
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Fetching WSUS admin SID...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Value is S-1-5-21-2451118407-1201454874-3243723495-1003
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Content directory is local, creating content shares...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Creating share "UpdateServicesPackages" with path "E:\WSUS\WsusContent\UpdateServicesPackages" and description "A network share to be used by client systems for collecting all software packages (usually applications) published on this WSUS system."
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Deleting existing share...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Creating share...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Share successfully created
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Creating share "WsusContent" with path "E:\WSUS\WsusContent\WsusContent" and description "A network share to be used by Local Publishing to place published content on this WSUS system."
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Deleting existing share...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Creating share...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Share successfully created
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Creating share "WSUSTemp" with path "C:\Program Files\Update Services\LogFiles\WSUSTemp" and description "A network share used by Local Publishing from a Remote WSUS Console Instance."
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Deleting existing share...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Creating share...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Share successfully created
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Finished creating content shares
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Configuring database...
2017-10-16 15:33:27  Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.CommandException: Since the SQL instance name does not already exist in the registry and the WID role service is not installed, the instance name must be specified on the command line.
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ConfigureDB..ctor(String instanceName, Action`1 logWriter, Nullable`1 contentLocal)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.PostInstall.Run()
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.PostInstall.Execute(String[] arguments)

2017-10-16 15:35:43  Postinstall started
2017-10-16 15:35:43  Detected role services: Api, Database, UI, Services
2017-10-16 15:35:43  Start: LoadSettingsFromParameters
2017-10-16 15:35:43  Content local is: True
2017-10-16 15:35:43  Content directory is: E:\WSUS
2017-10-16 15:35:43  SQL instname is: SUSDB
2017-10-16 15:35:43  End: LoadSettingsFromParameters
2017-10-16 15:35:43  Start: Run
2017-10-16 15:35:43  Configuring content directory...
2017-10-16 15:35:43  Configuring groups...
2017-10-16 15:35:43  Starting group configuration for WSUS Administrators...
2017-10-16 15:35:43  Found group in regsitry, attempting to use it...
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Writing group to registry...
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Finished group creation
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Starting group configuration for WSUS Reporters...
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Found group in regsitry, attempting to use it...
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Writing group to registry...
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Finished group creation
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Configuring permissions...
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Fetching content directory...
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Fetching ContentDir from registry store
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Value is E:\WSUS
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Fetching group SIDs...
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Value is S-1-5-21-2451118407-1201454874-3243723495-1003
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Fetching WsusReportersSid from registry store
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Value is S-1-5-21-2451118407-1201454874-3243723495-1004
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Creating group principals...
2017-10-16 15:35:45  Granting directory permissions...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Granting permissions on content directory...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Granting registry permissions...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Granting registry permissions...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Granting registry permissions...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Configuring shares...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Configuring network shares...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Fetching content directory...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Fetching ContentDir from registry store
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Value is E:\WSUS
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Fetching WSUS admin SID...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Fetching WsusAdministratorsSid from registry store
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Value is S-1-5-21-2451118407-1201454874-3243723495-1003
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Content directory is local, creating content shares...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Creating share "UpdateServicesPackages" with path "E:\WSUS\UpdateServicesPackages" and description "A network share to be used by client systems for collecting all software packages (usually applications) published on this WSUS system."
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Deleting existing share...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Creating share...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Share successfully created
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Creating share "WsusContent" with path "E:\WSUS\WsusContent" and description "A network share to be used by Local Publishing to place published content on this WSUS system."
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Deleting existing share...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Creating share...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Share successfully created
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Creating share "WSUSTemp" with path "C:\Program Files\Update Services\LogFiles\WSUSTemp" and description "A network share used by Local Publishing from a Remote WSUS Console Instance."
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Deleting existing share...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Creating share...
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Share successfully created
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Finished creating content shares
2017-10-16 15:35:46  Configuring database...
2017-10-16 15:35:48  System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): No such host is known
   at System.Net.Dns.InternalGetHostByName(String hostName, Boolean includeIPv6)
   at System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(String hostNameOrAddress)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.SetupInfo.IsServerRemote(String serverName)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ConfigureDB..ctor(String instanceName, Action`1 logWriter, Nullable`1 contentLocal)
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.PostInstall.Run()
   at Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.PostInstall.Execute(String[] arguments)
관련 문서를 확인 결과, 이 경로에 있는 문서를 통해서 아래와 같이 적용하여 해결하는 듯 보였다.c:\Program Files\Update Services\Tools 경로에 가서 아다음 명령어를 실행시키면 된다. wsusUtil.exe postinstall content_dir=c:\wsus sql_instance_name=%computername%
하지만 아래와 같은 메시지가 새롭게 발생하였는데, 원인은 기존에 'Role' 삭제시 해당 DB가 삭제되지 않아 발생한 메시지였다.  

 상기 경로의 파일을 삭제하고 재수행을 하니, 정상적으로 완료되었다. 


댓글이나 의견은 언제든지 환영합니다.

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