Monday, July 31, 2017


[SCCM] Deployment Error "The exit code is 259, the execution status is Unknown Status"

SCCM Deployment Error 259

SCCM을 통해서 bat 스크립트 파일을 배포 및 실행하려고 하였는데 SCCM 콘솔에서 배포 실패 메시지가 계속 보였다. bat 파일 때문에 그런 줄 알고 있었는데, Client PC에서 로그(execmgr.log)를 확인해보니 'The exit code is 259, the execution status is Unknown Status' 이라는 이름으로 진행이 실패되었다고 한다. 

Program exit code 259 execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:01 8652 (0x21CC)Looking for MIF file to get program status execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:01 8652 (0x21CC)Program ran past its maximum runtime. It will be orphaned execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:01 8652 (0x21CC)Raising event:[SMS_CodePage(949), SMS_LocaleID(1042)]instance of SoftDistProgramExceededTime{ AdvertisementId = "LSA20036"; ClientID = "GUID:047344B9-CAFB-4EB4-8281-CD2C7E5DABF6"; DateTime = "20170705020002.052000+000"; MachineName = "IDCOT10-NE100F3"; MaximumTime = "120"; PackageName = "LHQ0005A"; ProcessID = 2808; ProgramName = "GERP_JBE8_Run_170627"; SiteCode = "LSA"; ThreadID = 8652;}; execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:02 8652 (0x21CC)Raised Program Exceeded Time Event for Ad:LSA20036, Package:LHQ0005A, Program: GERP_JBE8_Run_170627 execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:02 8652 (0x21CC)Execution is complete for program GERP_JBE8_Run_170627. The exit code is 259, the execution status is Unknown Status execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:02 1708 (0x06AC)Requesting MTC to delete task with id: {07EC2A8D-0E5A-4FB9-AD98-6D2CD92E8C80} execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:02 1708 (0x06AC)MTC task with id: {07EC2A8D-0E5A-4FB9-AD98-6D2CD92E8C80} deleted successfully. execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:02 1708 (0x06AC)Skip raising client UI event as UI was not installed. execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:02 1708 (0x06AC)Requesting MTC to delete task with id: {07EC2A8D-0E5A-4FB9-AD98-6D2CD92E8C80} execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:02 1708 (0x06AC)This execution request does not have a corresponding task in MTC. execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:02 1708 (0x06AC)Skip raising client UI event as UI was not installed. execmgr 2017-07-05 오전 11:00:02 1708 (0x06AC)



배포가 제대로 되었는지 확인하기 위해서 ccmcache 폴더를 확인해보니, bat 파일은 정상적으로 다운로드되었으며, 해당 파일을 실행해보니 정상적으로 진행되었다. 그렇기 때문에 배포의 문제가 아닌, 실행의 문제임을 알 수 있었다. 



SCCM에서 실행과 관련된 설정은 UI을 보이는 여부와 실행 권한에 대한 부분이 전부이기 때문에 '로그온 상태'에서 '사용자 권한'으로 실행하도록 설정을 변경하여 다시 테스트를 실행해보니 정상적으로 동작하였다.  일부 프로그램 경우, Client의 전체 사용자를 대상으로 설치가 필요한 경우는 '관리자 권한'으로 실행을 해도 상관이 없지만, User Profile을 생성해야 하는 프로그램 경우는 반드시 로그온 상태에서 접속한 계정으로 실행을 해야 한다. 금번 bat 파일 역시 그 안에는 특정 프로그램을 트리거 하도록 스크립트가 되어 있어서 영향을 받은 것 같다. 

Mandatory execution requested for program GERP_JBE8_Run_170627 and advertisement LSA20036 execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 10388 (0x2894)Creating mandatory request for advert LSA20036, program GERP_JBE8_Run_170627, package LHQ0005A execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 10388 (0x2894)Policy is updated for Program: GERP_JBE8_Run_170627, Package: LHQ0005A, Advert: LSA20036 execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 9464 (0x24F8)Requesting content from CAS for package LHQ0005A version 1 execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 10388 (0x2894)Successfully created a content request handle {5A3E385D-FD80-40EE-B9A7-C11990504040} for the package LHQ0005A version 1 execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 10388 (0x2894)An existing MTC token was not supplied, using ExecutionRequest's Id as MTC token and this execution request is the owner of resultant MTC task. execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 10388 (0x2894)Request a MTC task for execution request of package LHQ0005A, program GERP_JBE8_Run_170627 with request id: {774683CD-F06D-49F2-AF53-A06F3D5E44AD} execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 10388 (0x2894)Execution Request for advert LSA20036 package LHQ0005A program GERP_JBE8_Run_170627 state change from NotExist to Ready execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 10388 (0x2894)MTC task with id {774683CD-F06D-49F2-AF53-A06F3D5E44AD}, changed state from 0 to 4 execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 10280 (0x2828)Skip raising client UI event as UI was not installed. execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 10388 (0x2894)Sending ack to MTC for task with id: {774683CD-F06D-49F2-AF53-A06F3D5E44AD} execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 9464 (0x24F8)Executing program Run_JBE.bat in User context execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 9464 (0x24F8)Execution Request for advert LSA20036 package LHQ0005A program GERP_JBE8_Run_170627 state change from Ready to NotifyExecution execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 9464 (0x24F8)Skip raising client UI event as UI was not installed. execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:23 9464 (0x24F8)Checking content location C:\Windows\ccmcache\1 for use execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 9464 (0x24F8)Successfully selected content location C:\Windows\ccmcache\1 execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 9464 (0x24F8)Executing program as a script execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 9464 (0x24F8)Successfully prepared command line "C:\Windows\ccmcache\1\Run_JBE.bat" execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 9464 (0x24F8)Command line = "C:\Windows\ccmcache\1\Run_JBE.bat", Working Directory = C:\Windows\ccmcache\1\ execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 9464 (0x24F8)Created Process for the passed command line execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 9464 (0x24F8)Raising event:[SMS_CodePage(949), SMS_LocaleID(1042)]instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent{ AdvertisementId = "LSA20036"; ClientID = "GUID:047344B9-CAFB-4EB4-8281-CD2C7E5DABF6"; CommandLine = "\"C:\\Windows\\ccmcache\\1\\Run_JBE.bat\""; DateTime = "20170705031024.182000+000"; MachineName = "IDCOT10-NE100F3"; PackageName = "LHQ0005A"; ProcessID = 2808; ProgramName = "GERP_JBE8_Run_170627"; SiteCode = "LSA"; ThreadID = 9464; UserContext = "LGE\\jonyjung"; WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Windows\\ccmcache\\1\\";}; execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 9464 (0x24F8)Raised Program Started Event for Ad:LSA20036, Package:LHQ0005A, Program: GERP_JBE8_Run_170627 execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 9464 (0x24F8)Skip raising client UI event as UI was not installed. execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 9464 (0x24F8)Skip raising client UI event as UI was not installed. execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 9464 (0x24F8)Skip raising client UI event as UI was not installed. execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 9464 (0x24F8)Execution Request not found for the supplied MTC Task id: {774683CD-F06D-49F2-AF53-A06F3D5E44AD} execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 10280 (0x2828)MTC task with id {774683CD-F06D-49F2-AF53-A06F3D5E44AD}, changed state from 4 to 5 execmgr 2017-07-05 오후 12:10:24 10280 (0x2828)

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